Waypoints monitor

Shows you waypoints ahead as you approach them:

For waypoints of a specific type (speed camera akin), radar will show you more information and can set the speed limit automatically as well:

You can switch between iPod area options by swiping on this “iPod” area.

Enough! Take me to POI-LIBRARY to install cameras! :) Or continue reading …

If you have not worked with waypoints alerting yet, monitor will invite you to add some waypoints:

Buttons are:

  1. Offers you to download pois from the speedometer’s library (a collection of links pointing to different poi servers) or manage existing waypoint collections.
  2. Read more (this page)
  3. Return back to showing iPod instead waypoints monitor
  4. Buttons 1-3 will go away in favor of alerting you on waypoints ahead, button 4 stays to offer you options to add, manage or read more on alerting.

If you went forward and added waypoints to be alerted on, here is what waypoints monitor will be showing you until you start moving and approaching some of the waypoints:

  1. Alert settings. Beep and Voice in this case. Tap on monitor area to change.
  2. Waypoints collection that has alerting active. For multiple collections with alert, only number of such collections is shown.
  3. Meters or feet left to the waypoint.
  4. Distance units.

For fast access to alert settings (Beep, Voice, Vibrate and overall Alert on/off) tap on a monitor area at any time to show alert controls:

The right most button shows number of active collections (2) and number of collections with alert being ON (1). Tap on this button to manage waypoint collections. Alert controls window will disappear by itself if not used for 2 seconds.

Now, as you drive, waypoints monitor will alert you on approaching the point of interest. Speed camera, train stop? That’s up to your waypoints.


Install cameras:


Waypoints import


Details and troubleshooting for alerting on speed cameras.

This feature is available only in the full version. You can upgrade by tapping here.

All modes: Default mode ▪︎ Waypoints monitor (e.g. speed cameras) ▪︎ Rally computer ▪︎ Taximeter ▪︎ Map ▪︎ Heads up speed display ▪︎ Full screen speed display ▪︎ Full screen map display ▪︎ G Force acceleration monitor ▪︎ Land navigation mode ▪︎ Idle timer and alert mode ▪︎ Water sports boat mode ▪︎ Paragliding mode