GPS Team 55 - PRO PACK subscription.

Without subscription:

  • You can have one member in the team, up to 2 zones/overlay for zone alerts and waypoints.
  • Team and location synchronization interval is limited to 5 seconds or slower.

With subscription:

  • No limits on member or zone count.
  • Synchronization frequency of up to 1 per second.

When subscription is active, to setup faster synchronization for your location and team, please open app settings > Team Synchronization and adjust synchronization interval per your needs. 1 second is the fastest.

By using the app you agree to its privacy policy:

GPS Team 55 privacy policy

And its terms and conditions of use:

GPS Team 55 - Terms & Conditions of Use

GPS Team is available only for iOS, iPhones and iPads with iOS 9.3 and higher. Non-cellular iPads will have lower location accuracy and slower updates as they don’t have a built in GPS chip.

Use of the app after subscription cancellation:

Until current paid period ends you have access to all functions.

When subscription is cancelled and current paid period ends, data on your team and zones are not deleted, but you can’t enable tracking on a team with more than 1 member and you can’t edit zones or create new ones if you have more than 2 zones/overlays.

When subscription is cancelled and current paid period ends, to return to the full operations of the free version, please do:

  • Delete all members except the only one that you want to keep in your team.
  • Delete all zones/overlays except the only one that you want to keep.

Or you can re-subscribe at any moment to restore the unlimited operations.