Rally computer +

Version 4.7 adds numerous advancements to a Rally Computer mode, now code named “Rally computer +”.

Here is how “rally computer +” screen looks:


As always, you can switch to a rally computer mode via main MENU > MODES > Rally computer.

Main improvements:

1. Tripmaster provides 4 configurable fields.

Tap on ⋮ button in any of a tripmaster fields to change field’s measurement type or background color:


Scroll down in the above menu to see a background color picker.

2. Incremental adjustment controls.

When rally session is active, you can use the “±” button to show adjustment controls:


When using 3 decimal places for distance, extra adjustment buttons, for +.001 and -.001 increments, will be available:


Use “Link” buttons in the top corners of distance and timer gauges to control if incremental adjustments to “current” counters are also applied to total distance or total timer.

3. Rally session.

MENU button in a rally control panel provides options to start, pause or finish the rally session.

Rally session:

  1. Provides separate counters for rally distance and time. Current and total. This enables free adjustment of these counters, independent on actual distance and timer values.
  2. Records GPS tracks for each split/segment. This keeps the app running in the background and having your rally fully recorded, until you finish the rally session.

You start new rally session by tapping on a MENU button in the rally controls panel > Start new rally session.

When session is active you can pause or finish it (via MENU button in the rally controls panel):


You can also pause or finish the rally session via main MENU menu button > PAUSE RALLY or FINISH RALLY.

4. Segments.

Segment might represent a certain distance to drive through with certain average speed. Neither distance, nor average speed are mandatory parameters.

Segments, when provided, can be helpful in many ways:

  1. When segment has a distance/length, “Rally distance” gauge will show you remaining distance to the end of the current segment, in addition to a current distance.
  2. When segment has distance and target average speed, “Rally timer” gauge in the tripmaster will show you an ideal time for that segment.

You can use segments in 3 ways:

1. None

Segments are not used, even if you provided them. Only “split” button is shown to split at any moment you need.

2. Follow segments one by one.

When you start a rally session, the app starts with the first segment and gives you a button to split to the next segment. When you split to the next average speed segment, the app will apply this target average speed value to the off perfect speed monitor as well.

3. Only give hints on average speed segments.

Starts with the first segment, but always provides an option to split with no average speed applied, plus provides a split option to the next rally segment in the list you provided.

If segments are something that can be helpful for your rally, configure them via rally control panel MENU > “Manage segments” or via Settings > Advanced Settings > Rally settings.


Switch to any segment time.

Tap on a current segment button to show menu that allows you to split to any segment:


5. Speed-dials for a target average speed in the off perfect time monitor.

Target average (TSD) speed is set either by splitting to a segment with a target average speed or by tapping on a target average speed field in the off perfect time monitor:


Version 4.7 adds speed-dials for applying the speed value with one tap.

Speed-dials show buttons for speeds between None and 100:


Or if you have provided segments with target average speed, then you have easy access to these values in “Segments” section:


6. Rally settings can be shared or backed up to restore them later.

Don’t want to lose these 30 segments you entered for the specific rally? Or need to send them to friends so they don’t need to re-enter all the same information?

Backup/restore or Share feature for the rally settings will help you with that!

Use top “…” button in a rally settings screen and pick “Share or backup”.

Save settings file to iCloud Files or send out by email.

When you need to have your specific settings back, including segments, tap on the file in Files app or in email app and use “Open in” option to apply these rally settings in the Speedometer 55 app.

Rally settings file is a simple text/json file. If you need, you can use a text editor to add/update/delete the segments.

These advancements are already available in the beta version, just drop us a line (support@blocoware.com) if you want to join the beta program and get early access to these new features.

Need more features, have comments? Please write to support@blocoware.com.


Rally computer (+) settings

Off perfect time (TSD) monitor

Old rally computer - Might still be useful if you can’t upgrade to iOS 15 or higher. Newer, Rally computer (+) is only available from version 4.7 and iOS 15 and higher.

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