Status indicators

Track recording indicator.

This indicator is shown when the GPS track is being recorded.

More on GPS tracking.

Real-time location sharing indicator

This indicator is shown when you enable sharing a real time location via MENU > START SHARING REAL TIME LOCATION.

When you enable real time location sharing, your location is being to server in regular intervals. This continously updated location on the server can be shared with you team or via the GPS Beacon web page:

GPS Beacon indicator - sharing real-time location via web page.

Enabling GPS Beacon means that your continous update of location can be followed via a web page. Everyone who you’d share the url for this page can follow. You can also optionally protect access to this web page with password.

More on a GPS beacon function.

Background mode indicator.

When track recording or real-time location sharing is active, the app will automatically stay working in the background. This ensures continous operation of the app even when the app is not visible on screen or screen is locked.

When you stop tracking (MENU > STOP TRACK) or real-time location sharing (MENU > STOP REAL TIME LOCATION SHARING), the app will stop working in the background, ensuring that GPS receiver, cpu and battery are not utilized with no reason.