Compass 55. Version 1.4. What's new?
Waypoints export in GPX, Google Earth KML or KMZ formats.
Lets export some waypoints? For example these two from my sample CAMPS collection:
Tap on MENU and then WAYPOINT COLLECTIONS to open the list of existing collections:
Tap on a settings button on a row with a collection you want to export and use the “action” button:
Choose “Export” action and pick the desired export format:
Once you pick the row with the target export format, “Email” and “Save” options will appear. “Email” option will add the export file to the email as an attachment. “Save” provides options to save the export file to iCloud drive, Dropbox, Google drive and any other “drive” for which you might have the corresponding “drive” app installed. If you have airdrop on your Mac enabled, it will appear there as well. Here is an example from my iPhone:
Leaving it in your hands from here. I was testing the results with Google Earth and GPS visualizer. If you find anything I’ve missed in the export or can improve, please write me using the star button or via review. I’ll surely be glad to improve the app.
Bug fixes.
Fixed the bug when newly selected “existing waypoint” navigation would not not work when tracking is already active.
This is it for version 1.4. I try to dedicate each version to one new feature, so it can be properly described on “what’s new” page. Hope you like it. If you want to pat me on a shoulder with your review or rating, I’ll be really happy ( here is a link to open the review page ). Will continue working on gpx, kml and kmz import meanwhile. Yours, Stan the dev.
And yep, the app name changed from “Land nav 55” to a “Compass 55”.
Previous releases.
‣ Night and “local roads” styles for the Google map from version 1.1.
‣ Night mode auto switch for Google map from version 1.2
‣ Color coded waypoints and tracks export to Dropbox or iCloud drive from version 1.3