GPS Camera 55 - Version 3.7. What's new?

Re-apply comments from existing points/photos.

Can be great for re-inspections where comments/title from the previous inspection points/photos can populate all of the manual fields for the new points/photos.

You’ll find this new section in the comments editor, at the bottom.

re-use points for comments

Bug fixes and optimizations.

  • Fixed the issue when audio notes for the photo/point would not be recorded on iOS 16.2 and iOS 16.3. Thanks to Wolfgang for reporting the issue.
  • Fixed the rare issue when the app might take the photo on start unintentionally on iOS 16 (related to volume up/down changes in iOS 16). Thanks to Owen for reporting the issue.
  • Fixed malformed file name for the jpg file to share from the Image Preview when image title is empty. Thanks to Paul for reporting the issue.